Fourth Annual Rooted in Hope Plant sale fundraiser

4th Annual Rooted in Hope
Plant Sale Fundraiser


The sale is now closed. Thank you for purchasing plants through TreeHouse’s fourth annual Rooted in Hope plant sale fundraiser! Your purchase will help fund opportunities for teens: life-changing programming, meaningful (and fun) retreats and camps, and much more. 


Thank you to our partner in this fundraising event, Green Earth Growers!

Plant sale image

4th Annual Rooted in Hope
Plant Sale Fundraiser


The sale is now closed. Thank you for purchasing plants through TreeHouse’s fourth annual Rooted in Hope plant sale fundraiser! Your purchase will help fund opportunities for teens: life-changing programming, meaningful (and fun) retreats and camps, and much more. 


Pick-up day is Thursday, May 16 from 3-6 p.m.


To explore additional floral and vegetable offerings along with coffee beans, wild rice, and maple syrup, come to our Advent United Methodist Church market in Eagan, MN on the day of pick-up.


Thank you to our partner in this fundraising event, Green Earth Growers!

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For requests or questions, please contact or 952.238.1010.