KARE11 features the 2023 TreeHouse Grad Party during the evening broadcast.
Kara Hildreth interviews Joel Brand about what TreeHouse is doing “south of the river”.
KARE 11 features Kathryn Rivard as part of Global Volunteer Appreciation Month.
KARE 11 interviews TreeHouse coach and mentee about teen mental health.
Meet Angie, Starbucks store manager, and TreeHouse advocate.
September 6, 2023
Jacori Soto, TreeHouse Volunteer Engagement Coordinator
Community engagement is important to TreeHouse because our sites serve diverse teens in different and unique settings around the country. And we believe that healthy teens support healthy communities.
Community engagement is also of value to KMOJ 89.9 FM radio. Since its launch in 1976, the station continues its legacy of engaging and empowering communities of color.
TreeHouse’s Jacori Soto was recently on the air with 40-year radio veteran Walter “Q Bear” Banks, Jr. of KMOJ to discuss the work of TreeHouse as well as invite listeners to consider becoming more involved.